
Healing comes from within.

Healing is generally composed of segments. Figuring out where to begin can be a daunting task to take on alone. You don't have to.

Here on my blog, I share practical insights about the healing process. If you’re curious about any of my services or the healing process in general, this is a great place to start. Please reach out if you have questions about anything covered here.
Jennifer Hollister Holistic Healing Image Hero Blog
Embracing the Summer Solstice

Embracing the Summer Solstice

This astronomical event has been celebrated for centuries, symbolizing the peak of summer and the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. It’s a time of joy, abundance, and connection with nature.
Unlearning the "Good Girl" Role: Breaking Free from Conditioning

Unlearning the "Good Girl" Role: Breaking Free from Conditioning

Unlearning the "Good Girl" people pleaser role requires a commitment to ourselves and our personal growth.
Calming Your Nervous System Using These Vagus Nerve Practices

Calming Your Nervous System Using These Vagus Nerve Practices

Feeling over stimulated? Try calming your nervous system using the vagus nerve. These simple steps can yield immediate relief.
Is it Codependency or Love Addiction?

Is it Codependency or Love Addiction?

Understanding and Healing Relationship Patterns. Becoming aware of these patterns is the first step towards self-realization and empowerment.
Why Talking Only Gets Us So Far

Why Talking Only Gets Us So Far

Are you feeling it, or just talking about your feelings? It's true that talking about things can help us process and understand them better, and it can be a good first step towards resolution.
Life Phases: Celebrating The Present

Life Phases: Celebrating The Present

After a day of silent retreating and meditation, my Sunday arrived with thoughts on how I'd like to return to the bustle. Ancient scriptures tell us that we live our life in four distinct phases.
There’s No Magic Spell For This Part!

There’s No Magic Spell For This Part!

There’s no magic spell to cancel our problems. But the sooner you turn the lights on in the shadowy basement of your psyche, the sooner you can reclaim your power.
Why I Work with Mother Earth: Reconnecting With Her Cycles

Why I Work with Mother Earth: Reconnecting With Her Cycles

In our fast-paced modern world, we are constantly encouraged to work harder, do more, and achieve more. But in this never-ending cycle, we often forget that we are also part of nature, and just like every other being on this planet, we too have natural rhythms and cycles that need to be honored.
The Art of Balance: Learning Versus Integration

The Art of Balance: Learning Versus Integration

In today's fast-paced world, we have access to an abundance of information and resources at our fingertips. We find ourselves constantly looking to learn new things, read more books and acquire knowledge from various sources.
What Healing Is + What Healing Isn’t

What Healing Is + What Healing Isn’t

While seeking support from others and using different methods can be beneficial, it's essential to understand that true healing ultimately comes from within oneself. No one else can heal us or save us from our experiences.
3 Things to Know About the Healing Journey

3 Things to Know About the Healing Journey

The healing journey can be a challenging yet transformative process. Here are three important things to keep in mind.
The Transition: Moving Beyond Therapist Roles

The Transition: Moving Beyond Therapist Roles

Now that I’m here, I couldn’t be more pleased and liberated with my freedom to share with others! ‍ ….Whether I choose to call myself a Guide, Therapist, Healer or even a Witch. 

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